New Developments

(Aug. 16th, 2018)  Last night’s meeting… was brought to the boards attention that, for the first time in our district’s history, we are achieving 1,000 gpm (gallons per minute) at our peak demand times.   Fire flow protection, is 1,000 gpm plus normal use.  Essentially, when everyone is watering their properties, at the peak, we are maxed out.   If we had a fire during peak demand times, we would not be able to provide fire flow to fight a fire.  Currently our district engineer, water master and board are looking into ways to address the issue.

The nice thing, this is only a problem during peak demand times.  Generally, peak demand times, are only during hot dry spells when neighbors are trying to keep their lawns green.   Cutting back usage during these times will help average out the usage.  Stay tuned as we investigate how to resolve the problem.